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Sat Chit Ananda

Updated: Aug 11

Empty modern metro station with a long, illuminated moving walkway, symbolizing the journey of self-realization and inner exploration, reflecting the themes of Sat Chit Ananda and higher consciousness.
A quiet passage through an empty metro station, reflecting the inner journey of recognizing one's true nature in the light of Sat Chit Ananda and the realization of higher consciousness. © Higher Consciousness Energy. Photograph by Dorit Kozlovski, 2021

Sat Chit Ananda is a Sanskrit phrase often used in Indian philosophy and spirituality to describe the nature of the ultimate reality or the experience of the highest state of consciousness. It is composed of three words:

  1. Sat (सत्): This translates to "truth" or "existence." It refers to that which is eternal, unchanging, and absolute. In this context, it denotes the ultimate reality that underlies all existence, which is beyond time and space.

  2. Chit (चित्): This means "consciousness" or "awareness." It signifies the pure, undifferentiated consciousness that is aware of itself. It is the essence of being aware, the light of knowledge that illuminates everything.

  3. Ananda (आनन्द): This translates to "bliss" or "joy." It refers to the deep, intrinsic happiness and fulfillment that comes from realizing one's true nature. This bliss is not dependent on external circumstances but is the natural state of being.

Take care of your Self, let the world take care of itself. See your Self. If you are the body there is the gross world also. if you are the Spirit, all is Spirit alone.

Mind turned outwards, it becomes the ego and all the world. The one is real, the many are mare names and forms. But the mind does not exist apart from the Self, that is, it has no independent existence. The Self exists without the mind, never the mind without the Self." - Ramana Maharshi"

Yoga is not about achievements, progress, expansion, nor about perfecting ones' body.

One is not a character in a video game in need to develop superpowers in order to reach the tenth level, or become a perfect "... nist" or "vegan", rallying from achievement to another to please some heavenly father in the sky or stand out as a "good" citizen to make an impact in front of other people.

It is only the monkey mind that wants to grab one branch after another, and the ego - taking selfies on the top of the mountain in various poses, "for being proud or guilty of one's habits".

The teachings of the enlightened (aware) suggest completely the opposite - ones' true nature is sat, chit, ananda (immortal, limitless truth itself).

balance, well-being, holistic practices, Reiki, Cosmoenergy, Reiki attunements, immortality, limitless, truth itself, Spirit, awareness, enlightened, aware

Alexandra Krantz photography, Tarot card BALANCE - inspired by the Egyptian Goddess archetype Ma At (in DURGA upcycled clothing) - art and modelling - Steph King @advicealchemist @higherconsciousnessenergy copyright

The purpose of Yoga is originally to calm the monkey mind and refrain from endless desires.

Craving for attention and greed usually indicates an underlying lack of something, a general feeling of scarcity, also perhaps general feelings of inferiority, of not having enough, or of not being enough, of being of no value (from personal experience of having experience many sessions with various beings under hypnosis).

Furthermore, there is no such thing as good luck or bad luck - everything is a consequence of one's previous actions, referred to in yogic teachings as karma.

Hereby a quote from the awareness of yogi Ramana Maharshi: "You take yourself to be what you are not and try to solve a problem which is not there, and therefore there cannot be any solution to the problem other than the recognition that the original conclusions about yourself are wrong. The problem is unreal and therefore any number of pursuits will not solve a non-existent problem, hence all human pursuits fail miserably."

A delicate bubble floating over water, reflecting the silhouettes of two figures and swirling patterns, symbolizing the illusory nature of the ego and the journey of self-awareness. © Higher Consciousness Energy. Photograph by Dorit Kozlovski, 2021.
A delicate bubble reflects two figures and swirling patterns, symbolizing the fleeting illusions of the ego and the journey toward self-awareness. © Higher Consciousness Energy. "Breaking Bubbles" Photograph by Dorit Kozlovski, 2021.

Spirituality comes from the word Spirit - that is our true nature.

Spirit also referred to as the Absolute (not referring to soul nor body) needs nothing, it is complete. Ones' ideas of oneself as mortal (female or male, alien etc), relying on the mind, and endless desires are the culmination of chaos and disruptions on current Earth.

The Guardian published a few days ago, that the amount of materials consumed by humanity has passed 100bn tonnes every year, and the proportion being recycled is falling.

Just like the examples from recent publications, it is evident that most developments from the mind and scientists are destroying simplicity, pure nature, the innocent beauty on Earth.

A rugged coastal cliff overlooking the vast ocean, symbolizing the eternal and unchanging nature of the Self as explored in the teachings of Sat Chit Ananda. © Higher Consciousness Energy. Photograph by Dorit Kozlovski, 2021.
A rugged coastal cliff meets the expansive ocean, representing the eternal and unchanging nature of the Self, as reflected in the teachings of Sat Chit Ananda. © Higher Consciousness Energy. Photograph by Dorit Kozlovski, 2021.

Socrates said, "I know that I do not know. Can it be ignorance? It is wisdom."

The original purpose of Yoga is about being and connecting with the inner.

Not expansion of the ego, nor mind, nor living in a world of idealistic fantasies and self-delusion of becoming a better someone or something, or becoming selfless.

According to Ramana Maharshi:

"The Self is always realized. It is not necessary to seek to realize what is already and always realized. For you cannot deny your own existence. That existence is consciousness, the Self. Unless you exist you cannot ask questions. So you must admit your own existence. That existence is the Self. It is already realized. Therefore the effort to realize results only in your realizing your present mistake - that you have not realized your Self. There is no fresh realization. The Self becomes revealed. There is no time for the Self. Time arises as an idea after the ego arises. Were it true that you realize it later it means that you are not realized now. The absence of realization in the present moment may be repeated at any moment in the future for time is infinite. So too, such a realization is impermanent. You are the SELF beyond time and space. It is wrong to consider realization to be impermanent. It is the true eternal state which cannot change."

Calm ocean waters under a cloudy sky, with anchored sailboats symbolizing stillness and the serene state of being associated with higher consciousness and the teachings of Sat Chit Ananda. © Higher Consciousness Energy. Photograph by Dorit Kozlovski, 2021.
Sailboats rest on calm waters under a cloudy sky, representing the stillness and serene state of being inherent in higher consciousness and the teachings of Sat Chit Ananda. © Higher Consciousness Energy. Photograph by Dorit Kozlovski, 2021.

Being responsible for one's actions is only relevant since every action has a consequence.

That is why the wisdom of yogis is - rather do less than more, cause one may only create more karma for oneself, depending on the level of awareness...

Quoting another enlightened (aware) yogi Nisargadatta Maharaj:

"When all the knowledge including yourself (ego) is liquidated then you are liberated. As the absolute I have no experience of myself. I as the absolute do not need this consciousness. On your not knowing state suddenly the knowingness has appeared and created all the mischief. I'm before anything can happen. Knowledge is ignorance. It has a beginning and an end. Had it been real it would have been eternal. You are changeless and permanent. You have no beginning and no end.

Go back to the original state before this consciousness came upon you. The one who is listening, and you do not know, is you. Without the body-sense I'm perfect, total and complete."

View through a shattered window of an abandoned structure overlooking the sea, symbolizing the fragmented nature of the mind and the illusion of the ego as explored in the teachings of Sat Chit Ananda. © Higher Consciousness Energy. Photograph by Dorit Kozlovski, 2021.
A shattered window in an abandoned structure frames the sea, symbolizing the fragmented mind and the illusions of the ego, reflecting the teachings of Sat Chit Ananda. © Higher Consciousness Energy. Photograph by Dorit Kozlovski, 2021.

Ready to explore deeper into the essence of your true nature and begin your journey towards liberation? At Higher Consciousness Energy, Dorit offers personalized services designed to guide you through the process of self-realization and inner peace. Whether you're seeking a transformative discussion session via distance, a private Cosmoenergy session online, an intensive 48-hour deprogramming and destress retreat, or a quantum healing hypnosis session, these offerings are here to support your path.

Liberate yourself from the illusions of the ego and connect with your higher consciousness. Book your session today:

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