In this session of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), we explore the profound connection with Helenor, the inhabitant of the Blue Star. Through a guided dialogue, Helenor reveals the healing powers of blue star light visualization and its impact on Earth’s transformation. This transcript shows how we can connect with and benefit from this transformative energy.
Introduction to the Blue Star's Healing Energy
Explore the transformative energy of the Blue Star light visualization and its potential to raise Earth's consciousness and rejuvenate all beings.
QHHT Practitioner Dorit: Who am I speaking with?
Marieke in Hypnosis: Helenor
Dorit: Can you please let us know, which galaxy or star are you associated with? Or maybe there's something that I don't know how to ask?
Voice through Marieke: Blue Star.
Dorit: It's a Blue Star. Okay. And how many light years away is this from planet Earth?
Voice: Millions. Like 32 million lightyears.
Dorit: Okay. Are you of higher frequency? Are you of higher consciousness?
Marieke: Yes, Helenor is.
Dorit: Is there something that you would like to share about your civilization that could benefit us or Earth’s civilization at this current moment?
Marieke: It's about the Blue Star itself and the blue light. The blue light energy needs to come towards the Earth.
Dorit: Yes?
Marieke: It wants to surround the Earth. And it also wants to come through the magnetic poles.
Dorit: Okay. And would it be beneficial for raising the Earth's consciousness or what would that blue light do?
Marieke: Yes, it is beneficial. The energy of the blue light raises consciousness and also rejuvenates all the cells and the structures of the planet and all the beings on it. To rejuvenate and bring them into a different frequency, into the next era.
How to Visualize and Connect with the Blue Light
Learn the step-by-step process to visualize and open up to the Blue Star light, guided by Angel Elin.
Dorit: And how can we help it today to facilitate this?
Marieke: Water.
Dorit: Water? How can we help with the water?
Marieke: By speaking to the water.
Dorit: All right, so can you please let us know what can be done?
Marieke: People can tell it to themselves, because they have water in themselves.
Dorit: Oh, so you can tell yourself: “I'm open to the blue light.”? Can we do that today? Now?
Marieke: Yes.
Dorit: If I say I am open to the blue light, does it already work?
Marieke: Yeah. You just have to do it more consistently.
Dorit: Let's say how many times per day shall I visualize the connection with the Blue star and connect with it to be open to the blue light on a day-to-day basis?
Marieke: The more people know about this and can do it the better, to know about this and to receive it.
Dorit: Can you describe in detail, how to practice this?
Marieke: This is where Angel Elin comes in as well. (from the previous article).
Because she's a joyful aspect of this practice. To get you into the state of peace first and then to say:” I am open for the blue light.”
Dorit: Let me get this right. So, first I call Elin, the golden angel with gold hair and bright golden white light to empty my mind. Then connect with space and then this Blue Star. And say: “I am open for the blue light and a blue star beaming blue light to Earth”?
Dorit: Can you describe a little bit more? Words may not be enough to describe it, but maybe you can a little bit. What does this look like?
Marieke: Imagine one of these geometric shapes that's like a Merkaba or similar.

Dorit: And you imagine that getting bigger?
Marieke: No, it's very dark blue in Space. When light comes out from the center through one of the spikes it looks light blue and has white sparkles in it. And then the outer spikes beam out dark blue, indigo blue light. Merkaba there's like there the lower middle down facing spike, which beams the light blue energy and the rest is dark blue with many spikes, more than on Merkaba. More than six spikes.
Dorit: Okay. Do you see how many spikes there are or does it matter?
Marieke: No, it doesn't matter as long as you visualize and see some kind of star like that.
Dorit: All right. Is there any other message from Helenor?
Marieke: Be happy that you know of this now and that you are ready to receive it!
Benefits of Consistent Blue Star Meditation
Discover how daily practice enhances personal healing and helps elevate global consciousness.
Dorit: How lovely. Thank you. And how many times a day would for us be appropriate to visualize this?
Marieke: You can do it as many times as you like.
Dorit: Would it be nice to include it in a morning or evening meditation?
Marieke: Yes. Morning, midday.
Dorit: Very nice. And the more people know about it, the better because then the influence will be bigger.
Marieke: Yes.
Dorit: Perfect. Is there anything else that Helenor would like to say to us today?
Marieke: Yes, you can tell and share with all living beings as well, spread the message also to the animals, birds, and trees. Waterbodies, people.
To experience the transformative power of the blue light firsthand, listen to the Blue Star Light Meditation featuring the angel Elin. This vocal meditation will guide you through a deep visualization, helping you establish a genuine connection with the blue light, opening the doors to elevated consciousness and holistic well-being. Embrace the healing energy of the blue light to begin transforming not only your inner world but also the environment around you.
For the full transcript and step-by-step guide on how to connect with blue light, read "Visualization Meditation Practice: Connecting with the Blue Star Light" published by Dorit on Brainz Magazine.
By connecting with the Blue Star’s light, we are invited to participate in Earth’s healing and our own cellular rejuvenation. The simple practice of visualization, as described by Helenor, offers an accessible path to align with this higher frequency and raise our consciousness.
By connecting with the Blue Star’s light, you open the door to a higher level of consciousness and cellular rejuvenation.
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