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Tarot Card Readings

Discover Your Path with Dorit's Accurate Tarot Card Readings

15 min
10 euroa
Online Meetup

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Tarot Card Readings by Dorit at Higher Consciousness Energy Experience the transformative power of Tarot with a personalized reading by Dorit. Using the renowned Thoth Tarot deck, painted by Lady Frieda Harris under the guidance of Aleister Crowley, Dorit helps you uncover the hidden symbology that reflects your life's journey. The Thoth Tarot is celebrated for its rich Egyptian symbolism, alchemy, and magic, combined with Kabalistic and astrological elements. It stands as one of the most influential Tarot decks, providing a unique tool for spiritual and personal exploration. Dorit's readings are based on an in-depth understanding of the Thoth Tarot and are interpreted according to the sophisticated Laws of Grace approach rather than mere intuition. The Laws of Grace emphasize interpreting Tarot cards with a sense of divine guidance, focusing on love, compassion, and wisdom rather than simply predicting the future. This method ensures a deeper, more meaningful connection to the insights provided. Modern methods such as art history, psychoanalysis, and esotericism, along with Carl Jung’s theories on archetypes and the unconscious, further enrich your reading experience. This holistic approach makes Tarot divination a powerful practice for gaining deep insight and wisdom. Benefits of a Tarot Reading with Dorit: Deep Symbolic Insight: Understand how the Thoth Tarot's rich symbology mirrors your inner reality and guides your spiritual path. Personal Guidance: Gain clarity on handling daily situations and making important life decisions. Spiritual Exploration: Delve into the depths of your soul with a reading that blends ancient wisdom and modern therapeutic insights. Empowerment through Understanding: Strengthen your grasp of Tarot’s allegorical symbolism, empowering you to engage with its intricate structure intuitively. Holistic Approach: Experience a blend of historical, psychological, and esoteric insights, offering a comprehensive understanding of your personal and collective unconscious. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or new to Tarot, Dorit's readings are designed to enhance your spiritual enlightenment and self-awareness. Book Your Accurate Tarot Reading Today Visit to schedule your personalized Tarot reading with Dorit. Discover the secrets of your soul and gain the insight you need for your life’s journey.

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